Singer red eye 66 slider
Singer red eye 66 slider

singer red eye 66 slider

(More on Soul Scalping at the bottom of this page.) Another theory holds that it is a form of punishment used to as a sort of check and balance within secret societies. Theories as to this strange phenomenon are abuzz on the internet and range from a secret society ritual which involves striking the participant in the head, to alien abduction and “Soul Scalping” in order to replace our world leaders with alien consciousness. Are there others in the fields of science, and military? I’m sure there are. Those seated firmly into positions of government/politics and those in the entertainment/Hollywood.

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It would appear that there are two main categories within the “Black Eye” Club.

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Among those who have succumbed to this affliction are George Bush, Kanye West, and the Pope.īut why this current and periodic rash of Black Eyes? And why has this phenomenon disproportionately afflicted people of considerable power and influence? Even allowing for our modern 24-hour news cycle and tabloid cellphone camera culture, up until the year 2000 I can’t recall any publically recognizable figures having black eyes. Although a few of them have sustained injuries to their right eye, the majority occur on the left.

  • Nature Restoration Program Sign-up PageĪlthough not officially an organization at all, the “Black Eye” club refers to a growing number of politicians, celebrities, business elites, and heads of State who have suddenly and mysteriously wound up with black eyes.
  • singer red eye 66 slider

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    Singer red eye 66 slider